20th May:
The club open DPI (by zoom) was a really good evening and we were entertained and encouraged by our judge for the evening, Frank Blyth. Scores can be found on the clubs spreadsheets in the members area.
12th May:
Our Tripod with Beccles and Bungay turned out to be a very close contest, with Framlingham keeping the others apart by coming in second place. Judged by Andy Swain, the scores were Beccles 250pts, Framlingham 264pts and Bungay 266pts and they won the Gilbert Clarke Trophy for this year.
15th April:
Slawek Staszczuk gave a fascinating and informative talk on landscape photography, especially post-processing. See his website, and especially the "Portfolio" and "Blog" tabs.
2nd April:
Next event: 8th April, 7.30pm. Tripod (3-way) competition with Halesworth and East Ipswich clubs. Cara will send round a Zoom link to members.
1st April: Tonight's event: "Post processing - single image challenge". See the programme and Nigel's recent email for more info. Cara sent the Zoom link today.
28th March:
A local photography competition members might enjoy, now house arrest is ending: the Alde and Ore Association have a competition for best photos of the estury. See http://www.aldeandore.org/index.php/photography-competition/. Entries by midday 30th July.
20th March:
Three events in April: see the programme.
1st March
Upcoming competition night on 18th March - don't forget: entries by 14th March. See the programme.
All future digital competitions will use the PhotoEntry system for entering images. See Using PhotoEntry.
20th February 2021
We have launched the "Peer Critique" group on Flickr. Members can post images on this Flickr group, and we can all post constructive comments on the images; what we like, how the image might be improved and so on. This provides a means of getting comments from others more interactively than putting the image into a competition. Try it out at the Peer Critique page.
Tuesday 16th February
A very enjoyable evening session by Zoom with Grantham Camera Club, where members of both clubs has previously post processed the same 6 images in a variety of imaginative ways, and we compared results. Quite remarkable the different ways the same images could be envisioned!
25th January 2021
The TRIPOD competition with Stowmarket and Wymondham was very good tonight and overall ZOOM attendance from the three clubs was over 60. If you were not able to join, the results are as follows. The evening saw 48 entries overall, 16 from each club and we took a break at half way through. After the first half Framlingham were in second position, and we maintained that through to the end. It was close, and our judge gave a good insight into the images and how we could improve upon them.
Framlingham | Stowmarket | Wymondham | |
1st half DPI = | 136 | 134 | 139 |
2nd half DPI = | 137 | 135 | 143 |
Total = | 273 | 269 | 282 |
It was close, and our judge gave a good insight into the images and how we could improve upon them.
ALSO --- Lookout for the next interclub event on Tuesday 16th February - Altered images with Grantham CC. 6 Images per person taking those sent out as a starting point and applying your own interpretation to alter and re-imagine the finished image. ZOOM details to be sent out closer to the time.
9th January 2021:
The programme has been updated with more details about January meetings, and we have been invited to join Woodbridge Camera Club for Zoom talks they have arrenged in January and March, also in the programme.
14th December 2020:
2021 programe now published.
17th November:
Don't forget the workshop by Jerry Webb on Thursday 19th - see the programme for details.
Results from the competition on 12th November: see Open DPI 12th Nov 2020 results. Images scoring 19 or 20 are also in the Members Gallery (and below).
2nd November:
Tripod - Framlingham vs Wickham Market and Woodbridge
Framlingham hosted a very enjoyable evening, helped by Woodbridge who kindly allowed the use of their Zoom account and enabled all club members to log in and listen to the constructive comments and critiques of our judge for the evening, Vic Hainsworth. The contest was run as a DPI, with each club submitting 16 DPI images for review. After a close run competition with Woodbridge gaining the best in show Colour and best in show Monochrome images, the overall result was as follows.
Framlingham 277 points
Wickham Market 234 points
Woodbridge 266 points
Special congratulations to Karen for her image 'Heavy Weight', Cara for 'Passing Through', and Allan's 'Dartford Warbler' with their images scoring 20s and also to Simon with 'Northern Lights over Abisco', Alan S with his 'Sunrise-Rondle', Richard for 'A Rare Moment of Calm' and Nigel for 'Reflections on a Mill' all scoring 19s to help the club win the Tripod competition for 2020. Scores for all images can be found here.
28th October
The Barton Cup competition this year was held remotely. Members entered by email, voted by email, and entries are results are at Barton Cup.
17th September
Our first ZOOM competition evening with Andy Swain judging. . Members can submit 2 DPI images with an 'open' theme.
13th August
Nigel is going 'walkabout' at Leiston Abbey and Westleton Heath on the evening of 20th August to capture some evening black and white images of the Abbey ruins between 18:00hrs and 18:45hrs and then moving on to Westleton Heath to try and get some sunset images over the Heather from 19:00hrs through the golden hour to sunset at 20:00hrs and if the skies are kind some of the magic blue hour pastel skies until about 20:45hrs. If anyone would like to do similar and would like some company let us know. Note please be advised that if you do intend to go along on 20th or any other day for that matter, access is relatively easy with very close car parking in both locations, but the Abbey is uneven grass to wander around. Westleton has good stoney paths which are uneven in places, so some good footwear is in order. And, of course be prepared for bad weather with appropriate clothes and drinks, etc.
10th July
Awaking from our lock-down torpor, we have a Zoom meeting and a guest speaker.
I am very please to announce a presentation from profession photographer Julian Elliot on "Patagonia: End of the World - the challenges of commissioned work". The Fjords of Patagonia. Journey to the end of the world and follow Julian on a commissioned trip to the fjords of Patagonia. See the challenges a professional photographer faces with the weather and the imagery that’s created for use by his client.
Please contact Cara for the Zoom details if you'd like to join.
15th April
A new gallery has been created for members in lockdown: Colours of the Rainbow (for pictures taken any time). The original gallery is still there for pictures taken in and around the home while in lockdown.
13th April
If you are interested or using the Affinity Photo software, you may be interested in the DXO webinar that shows how to use the NIK collection in association with Affinity. It is running on Tuesday evening this week and you can register here.. https://register.gotowebinar.com/register
There are a number of other interesting webinars (and recorded webinars to view anytime) run by DXO and they can be quite useful background information about how to do things in post processing even if you don't have the specific package that is being mentioned. For example, many of the techniques used for Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom are equally applicable to Affinity.
Check out Upcoming Webinars - Nik Collection by DxO and Recorded Webinars - Nik Collection dy DxO
7th April
There's a Lockdown Gallery for pictures taken during our time spent at home courtesy of Covid-19. Keep a daily log of your garden with photographs and let us see how your garden and plants changes over the next few days and weeks.
6th April
For he time being at any rate, Photography News by email is free. Sign up here. Or of you prefer listen in to their podcasts on what to do in the lockdowns from here
3rd April
More to do during self-isolation. The Photographer Academy has just announced it’s waving their £49 fee and is free for the foreseeable future - endless hours of all sorts of photographic video tutorials etc. on just about everything from lighting to editing. Should keep everybody busy over the next six months!
Go https://thephotographeracademy.com/become-member , select "Academy £49 option" and at checkout use: "AcademyFree" as the Promotional Code.
22nd March
Getting bored in lock-down? Time to practice your selfies!
More online courses, apparently available for a limited period while people are in social isolation: https://www.dpreview.com/news/9935972902/ppa-offering-free-access-1100-classes-amidst-covid-19-quarantines.
19th March
- https://www.dpreview.com/news/9935972902/ppa-offering-free-access-1100-classes-amidst-covid-19-quarantinesA web-based course by Coursera on "Seeing through Photographs". Entirely online and produced by MoMA (Museum of Modern Art). It is free to do the course, but a completion certificate costs. See https://www.coursera.org/learn/photography.
- A series of programmes on BBC4 on "The Age of the Image" presented by James Fox. It's available on catch-up. See:
16th March 2020
Regretably, our programme of events has been suspended as a result of the near lock-down resulting from Corona virus. See the programme page.
25th February 2020
Useful links page updated with links to the Vox Darkroom and Sean Tuckers videos.
4th February 2020
Why Camera Manufacturers Are No Longer Relevant, according to Fstoppers.
31st January 2020
A video on the use of curves. (Thanks to Michael Poole). This and other training articles and videos are added as we find them to the Useful links page.
29th January 2020
It is with great sadness that I have to inform you that Roger Searle lost his battle with cancer and passed away this week. Roger has been a member of FCC for a good number of years and has played an active part as a committee member and was a first class photographer. For those of you that will not have had the pleasure of knowing him - he is the person with me on the 'Test Card’ that Simon created for FCC. Kind regards, Cara
29th January 2020
We had an enjoyable visit to Stowmarket camera club, who hosted the Tripod between Framlingham, Stowmarket and Wymondham. We managed to stop the other clubs from claiming 3rd place, and the results are; 1st place Wymondham (295 pts), 2nd Stowmarket (292 pts), and 3rd place this year was Framlingham (283 pts). Full results available here.
25th January 2020
Preparing DPI images for competions: we have changed the image size needed to a maximum of 1920 x 1200 pixels, to match our projector. Please see "submitting DPI files" for more information.
Winners of the 2019 Travel Photographer of the Year Awards - lots of "I wish I'd taken that". More of the images here.
21st January 2020
Michael Poole has found this video explaining how to remove an unwanted background from an image in Photoshop. Fairly straightfoward, but needs use of layers.
Still time to catch this photography exhibition "Art Forms in Nature" from 23rd November 2019 to 23rd February 2020 in Ipswich, more details here.
18th January 2020
Completely transform the mood of an image in Photoshop in under five minutes. Hmm... Anything like that always takes me a lot more than five minutes!
A couple of new Leica cameras: Leica M10 Monochrom and Leica M10-R. If you've got seven grand, that is.
8th January 2020
Will Chueng (editor of Photography News) will be talking at Bury St Edmunds Photographic Society on 30th January, 19:30 at Newbury Community Centre, St Olaves Rd, IP32 6RW. More info here. Tickets £5, contact programme-sec@bseps.com.
5th January 2020
The Guardian has some interesting stories: "Best of 2019 wildlife Photography Awards" and "Photography, art and architecture picks 2020"
22nd November 2019
Framlingham Camera Club Advent calendar: click here. A new picture every day during December!
21st November 2019
Ruth Grindrod gave a highly illuminating lecture (in every sense) about her landscape photography to Framlingham Camera Club and friends tonight. Ruth talks with great authority and enthusiasm about the subject. We all learned much about how to approach landscape photography, and Ruth showed us how to think beyond the conventional in seeing landscapes. In particular: good landscape photographs are not all taken near sunrise or sunset, and not all in good weather!
17th November 2019
The photo gallery on the front page and members gallery page has been updated with high scorers (19 or 20) from 2019's competitions. All the digital high-scorers are there, together with the print high-scorers for which we have digital copies.
25th October 2019
There will be an exhibition by Fram Camera Club's Mike Fear:
20th September 2019
Results from last nights 'Street Photography' competition available here
4th September 2019
The exibition is open from 5th to 7th September. More information including the exhibition catalogue here.
22nd August 2019
Ruth Grindrod, who will be talking to the club in November (see the Programme) has an exhibition of Landscape Photography at Artspace Woodbridge, 64 Thoroughfare, Woodbridge, IP12 1AL, open daily 10am-5pm. More information at https://ruthgrindrodlandscapephotography.co.uk/exhibitions/.
31st July 2019
News about the Exhibition: see here.
1st July 2019
This is a new version of the Framlingham Camera Club website. It contains most of the content from the previous site and some new stuff, but has been recreated using a new theme and the latest WordPress software and plugins, and no longer uses some older and unsupported technology of the previous site. For the time being, an archive copy of the old site is here, but not all the functions will work.
There may initially be some glitches in the new site for which I apologise, and I'll fix them as soon as possible. If you see any errors or omissions please contact Simon Garrett via the Contact page.
For Fram Camera Club members: If you had login access to the previous site, your login should still work. If your login doesn't work, or you've forgotten your login details, or you never had any then please let me know.