As the club is no longer running formal events, this programme is not updated now.
Updated 3rd November 2022
Most dates for 2022 are tentative - please check close to the event for updates.
As a result of COVID-19, our programme of face-to-face events is limited, and many events are by Zoom.
Keep watching for remote events by email or on this page, and perhaps when the restrictions are eased it may be possible to arrange out-door photoshoots or regular meetings, provided this can be done within health guidance. See updates on the News page.
The programme is subject to change - check before each event! Generally more details are added nearer to the event.
Details of Zoom meetings will be advised by email. Regular face-to-face club meetings (when this is possible) are usually held on the 3rd Thursday of every month at Brandeston Village Hall (IP13 7AD), but note that some meetings are on other days. Please arrive by 7:15 for a prompt start at 7:30.
New members always welcome - just come along and say hello. Click on the above Village Hall link for directions for face-to-face meetings, or see the contact page and email to join Zoom meetings.
Remote meetings are generally by Zoom unless otherwise stated. If you would like to join and are not already on our mailing list please contact the Club Chairman - see the Contact page. To enter images to digital competitions, go to PhotoEntry, general competition rules here, extra guidance for digital competitions here.
The organiser of the event, where known, is in parenthesis after the event.
2022 programme
Tuesday 11th January (Nigel Smith) - DPI competition - open subject. This will be a zoom meeting, and log-on details will be distributed the day before the event. Please submit your entries via 'Photoentry' (as above) by 10th January, and aim to join in on the day at 7:15pm for a 7:30pm start.
Thursday 20th January - Club Night. Provisionally, a round-table talk. Members will be invited to suggest questions or topics for discussion.
Monday 24th January - Tripod with Stowmarket and Wymondham (by Zoom).
Tuesday 8th February - Speaker night by Zoom. Details later.
Thursday 17th February - Practical Night. Possible topic: Still Life. A number of still life subjects in the hall to photograph. To be confirmed.
Tuesday 8th March - Members share their best photos from 17th Feb plus some shared informational / instructional videos (Zoom).
Tuesday 15th March - Speaker: Gerald Chamberlin DPAGB EFIAP "My Favourite Black and White" Courtesy of WCC. This will be a zoom meeting, and log-on details will be distributed the day before the event.
Thursday 17th March - (Nigel Smith) - DPI competition - open subject. Judge: Roy Essery. This will be a zoom meeting, and log-on details will be distributed the day before the event. Please submit your entries via 'Photoentry' (as above) by Saturday 12th March, and aim to join in on the day at 7:15pm for a 7:30pm start
Thursday 7th April - Tripod with East Ipswich and Halesworth. Judge Mike Lloyd. This will be a zoom meeting, and log-on details will be distributed the day before the event. (Simon)
The Tripod was a very good event and our Judge gave some interesting critiques of images. Whilst we may not have won the competition, we made sure that East Ipswich and Halesworth didn't come last !! Results can be seen in the members area, but in summary: East Ipswich 274 pts, Halesworth 268 pts and Framlingham 264 pts
Thursday 21st April - Scavenger Hunt in Woodbridge - meet 6.30pm (Sandra to arrange and email people)
At the AGM, we discussed a Summer Programme erring towards taking photographs as a group and not being restricted necessarily to Thursday Club nights. Outings will be chosen by the named co-ordinator who will subsequently inform members of when, where and what! Please keep checking the website for updates
Wednesday 11th May - Tripod Competition - with Beccles and Bungay at Brandeston Village Hall (Zoom - TBC)
May - Outing (Jim & Nigel)
Early June - Outing (Cara)
Postponed: Thursday 16th June - PDI Competition via Zoom
July - Outing (Simon?)
August - Outing (Cara & Nigel)
Wednesday 10th August - setting up the exhibition
Thursday 11th - Sat 13th August - Exhibition at Framlingham Unitarian Meeting House (Alan)
Thursday 15th September - PDI Competition via Zoom