If you'd like to become a Member of Framlingham Camera Club, we'd love to have you. Please complete the form at the bottom of this page.
Annual membership subscriptions are (2018 to 19 rates, and unchanged for 2020):
- Individual membership: £30
- Couples at the same address: £45
- Student membership: £20
- Guests pay £3 at each club night they attend (excluding inter club events).
The annual subscription becomes due immediately following the AGM meeting each October.
Fully paid-up members can request secure log-in access to view additional "members-only" pages. Please contact the chairman or web administrator for access (or if you have forgotten your password).
If you are interested in joining, just come along to our next meeting as indicated on the Programme page, and say hello.
Please click here for our constitution document.
To contact with us: see the email address and telephone number shown on the Contact page, or complete this form and we will get back to you:
You will be sent a copy of this form.